Friday 9 January 2015

Agricola - All Creatures Big and Small

We finally got chance to start out Month of Board games plan. With Mr Cheese the cat safely asleep on the bean bag, Andy was able to set up an interaction with some other types of creatures. Agricola is a small game where you have to build, upgrade and manage a farm, whilst encouraging some animals to breed furiously. With whisky in hand we were both feeling bemused about strategy, especially after over a year had passed since we last played this game. That said, it was interesting to see that we went for different approaches. I went for high scoring buildings and an intensive factory farm, with no throught for Freedom food principles. Andrew's expansive estate gave animals the space to roam. In the end, capitalism won out and my poor slightly squished animals were more points to the pound than Andys.

It was a lovely way to start our board game adventure.

Sunday 4 January 2015


Illness has put paid to this happening so far. We'll pick it up as soon as both of us are healthy at the same time!